Arnesen received funding from the Norwegian Cancer Society
Arnesen was one of eight researchers from Bergen who received funding
from the Norwegian Cancer Society. 210 millioner til kreftforskning – gir nytt håp til fremtidens pasienter [Norwegian] Benjamin har løpt, syklet, og gått for kreftforskning: – Har et hårete mål for 2025 [Norwegian]
Monica Hellesvik highlighted as a HoloMonitor user
Arnesen lab work highlighted by Essen Bioscience
Uncovering the Secrets of Cellular Motility: The Impact of Actin Nt-Acetylation on the Cytoskeleton
NAA80 Paper in featured publications for the IncuCyte Live-Cell Analysis System
Arnesen's tips for other ERC Consolidator Grant applicants Brukte ekspertevalueringene til å forbedre ERC-søknaden [Norwegian]
The Arnesen Lab is part of a new European Proteomics Infrastructure Consortium EPIC-XS: Ten Million Euro for Access to European Proteomics Facilities
The discovery of the actin's N-terminal acetyltransferase NAA80
Cytoskeleton commentary: Actin's N‐terminal acetyltransferase uncovered
PNAS commentary: NATure of actin amino-terminal acetylation
NBS Nytt: Actin Acetylation [Norwegian] Putting a break on cell movement
Arnesen receives the ERC Consolidator Grant ERC consolidator grant to Thomas Arnesen
Forskningsrå Banebrytende forskning ble belønnet [Norwegian]
Påhø Får høythengende EU-midler [Norwegian]
Arnesen received funding from the Norwegian Cancer Society Forsker fikk gave på 4,5 mill [Norwegian]
On the discovery of deadly gene defect in NAA10
Påhø Deadly gene defect is uncovered
Arnesen receives the Bergen Research Foundation Starting Grant
Påhø To nye rekrutteringsstipend [Norwegian]
Could NatA play a role in Huntington’s disease?
Påhø Kreftforskere fant info om livsfarlig sykdom [Norwegian]
N-terminal acetyltransferases are conserved from yeast to human
Påhø Nye skritt mot bedre kreftmedisin [Norwegian]