NBS Contact Meeting 2019 - Røros, Norway

January 16, 2019 | Updated January 28, 2019

The Arnesen Lab was well represented at the Norwegian Biochemical Society’s 55th Contact Meeting at Røros from January 24-27 with three talks and one poster focusing on N-terminal acetylation of actin.

Our master student Monica Hellesvik won the Best Poster Award for her work entitled “Actin N-terminal acetylation by NatH/NAA80 affects cell adhesion and early cell spreading”. We congratulate!


Rasmus Ree

Interaction between the actin N-terminal acetyltransferase NAA80 and PFN

Friday 25 at 14:00

Session: Biochemistry/ Structural Biology


AdrIan Drazic

CompACT: The complex N-terminal maturation processing of β-actin

Friday 25 at 15:00

Session: Biochemistry/ Structural Biology


Tobias B Beigl

Actin N-terminal acetylation impacts Golgi structural integrity

Friday 25 at 15:00

Session: Cell Biology/ Molecular Biology


Monica Hellesvik

NAA80 KO cells - Fast and Furious?

Poster P11

Session: Cell Biology/ Molecular Biology